1. Personal Information Processing Policy

The personal information of the members is collected at the time of the establishment of each member's usage contract (member identification, opinions, etc.) in order to carry out services and inform members about new services and events.
Furthermore, the company may use members' personal information to provide convenient and varied services to members through advertisements and marketing sent through email, SMS (phone messaging) etc. Members may at any time refuse such emails and messages.

2. Articles Concerning the Collection of Personal Information

The company may collect personal information on the members through the website, message boards, telephone, fax and mail. The company will collect the smallest possible amount of personal information in order to provide quality service, and will request additional information if necessary. Members provide their personal information to the company on the registration page in the following categories.① Articles Collected at Time of Member Registration

Mandatory InformationName (Real Name), ID, password, nationality, date of birth, email
Optional InformationPhone number, gender, agree to emails

② Additional Information that may be obtained by the company for business transactions or service use.

Additional Collection
of Information
Outgoing/incoming numbers, time of phone calls, frequency of use, time and records of use of services, access logs, cookies, IP addresses, records of suspension of use, and individualized services provided

3. Retention of Personal Information and Period of Usage

The company will retain members' personal information throughout the period of provision of services to members (Period of Usage) and any period of dispute settlement (Retention Period). After these actions have been completed and all goals for collection of personal information have been met, the company will immediately use a special technological process to permanently destroy all records of collected personal information.

Period of
Beginning on the day of registration for services until the day of termination of contract
Retention Period15 days following the termination of contract in order to prevent recurrence of illegal usage by disorderly members and to provide cross protection for the service

However, the following information may be preserved for a set period of time for any of the reasons stated below.① Reasons to preserve information due to internal company policies

② The reason for holding information under relevant laws and regulationsReasons to preserve information due to related statutesAccording to the related statute laws regarding the protection of consumers in e-commerce, the company may retain personal information of members for a period of time designated by the related statute if the need arises. In this event, the company may only retain the information for this purpose. The period of preservation is stated below.

4. Process and Method of Destruction of Personal Information

After the collected information has served its purpose of providing customer service, it is moved to a separate database where it is saved for a period of time designated by internal policies and other related laws. After this period, information is destroyed through one of the various methods listed below. Any information moved to this separate database cannot be used for any purpose other than lawful retention.

Data to be
Customer information that has completed the period of preservation according to legislation.
Method of
1) All written records of personal information will be either shredded or incinerated.
2) All electronic files recorded in the database will be permanently deleted through a special technological process.

5. Exercise of the Authority of Users and/or Legal Guardians

① Users may at any time access or revise their personal information. They may also request a termination of their membership.② If a user wishes to access or edit his or her personal information, he or she can click on the "edit personal information" button under "personal information." If a user wishes to terminate his or her membership.(i.e. withdraw consent), he or she can click on the "membership withdrawal" button under "personal information." After going through the process of confirmation, the user can then read or edit his or her preferences, as well as terminate his or her membership.③ This process can also be carried out by contacting the customer center through telephone or email.④ In the event that a customer wishes to correct an error in their personal information, he or she will be unable to use or provide his or her personal information until it has been corrected. In the event that incorrect personal information has already been sent to a third party, the company will immediately send the corrected information to the third party as soon as possible.⑤ The company will manage the cancelled or deleted personal information of users according to the "collection and storage usage period of personal information." In any other circumstances, the company will exert its best efforts to ensure that personal information cannot be accessed or used.

6. Articles Regarding the Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Installation/Management

The company saves user information and often makes use of 'cookies' in order to provide specialized service to the users. Cookies send small amounts of information from the user's web browser and sometimes save them to PC hard disks. When the user accesses a website, the company's servers read the content collected in cookies embedded in the user's web browser, and through this collection of extra information, is able to provide service without the extra input of one's name.

① Purpose of Using CookiesCookies can recognize a user's computer, but they do not distinguish personal users from one another. Through the use of cookies, the company is able to provide more convenient service to the user by understanding more about the scale and type of users, as well as information about visits and user services. Users may control the use of cookies through adjusting their web browser options.
In other words, users can either accept all cookies, receive notifications when cookies are put into use, or refuse the use of all cookies. However, users must allow the use of cookies when they access the company's website at log-in in order to make use of the company's services. For future reference, the company is not liable to protect the user from collection of personal information by any external websites that are linked to the company.

② Installation/Management and Refusal of Cookies- The user retains the right to choose whether or not he or she will allow the installation of cookies. Therefore, the user may use their web browser options to allow the use of all cookies, to receive notifications any time cookies are saved or to deny the saving of all cookies.- If the user chooses not to install cookies, he or she can choose through his or her web browser options to allow the use of all cookies, to receive notifications any time cookies are saved, or to deny the saving of all cookies.- Model Installation Method (Internet Explorer): Web browser top tools menu > Internet Options > Personal Information- Denying the use of cookies could create difficulties in accessing necessary parts of the company's services during login.

7. Managing Steps and Technologies for the Protection of Personal Information

The company employs the following management strategies and technologies to protect the personal information of customers.- Security system involving passwords- Computer virus prevention methods involving vaccination programs- Encrypted firewalls for the safe transmission of personal information- Systems installed to block external invasion from hackers, etc- Employment of the smallest possible amount of personnel handling personal information

The company implements regular moral education regarding the protection of personal information, and regards the maintenance of security of members' accounts and protection of personal information to be of the utmost priority. The liability for the maintenance of the protection of one's account lies with each individual member. The company will not, under any circumstances, ever directly ask for the members' passwords. Thus, it is the personal responsibility of each member to keep his or her password from leaking into the hands of others.

8. Other Provisions of Usage to Third Parties (Sharing)

- The company will not share the personal information provided by any user or member with any external third party without the member or user's permission. However, the company may do so in any of the following circumstances:

- Furthermore, in any of these circumstances, the company may provide basic personal information gathered from the members (limited to name, email address, telephone number) to affiliated companies in order to provide more convenient service to the members. Members can at any time reject unwanted services through email.

9. Personnel in Charge of Management of Personal Information

The company designates the personnel in charge of the protection and management of personal information.- Responsible Personnel for Handling Personal Information: Jeon Jeong Cheol. Email address: [email protected] Designated Personnel for Handling Personal Information: Jeon Jeong Cheol. Email address: [email protected] Inquiries about Personal Information: 82-31-589-058310. Complaints and Dispute Settlements regarding Personal Information

Users who wish to receive compensation for damages received through violation of personal information may contact the personnel in charge of personal information. Such users may also contact the branch of the Korea Information Security Agency, the Personal Information Violation Report Center (tel. (02)1336 or http://www.cyberprivacy.or.kr), to apply for mediation.Additional Clauses

(Date of Effect) These terms and conditions are effective from May 1st, 2018.