Hello Dr. Jackie, my name is mind Kumar and I am by qualification MBA and work for Thomas Cook at fault. My question is regarding non vegetarian foods, it is allowed in Islam. Animals are living beings. So don't you think that eight is violence? And my second question is that is it compulsory in Islam to have non wage sport and cannot pure vegetarian person can follow Islam? But the Mahesh Kumar asked a very good question. He said that, in Islam, you'll have non waste food, you'll kill animals. Why does Islam give permission to kill living creatures? And tinashe Muslim be a pure vegetarian, rather, before answer the question and I will tell you, a Muslim can be a very good Muslim even by being a pure vegetarian.
It does not compel say in Islam, that you should have non fish food is not compulsory. But since Allah says in the Quran and gives permission for a person to have non Jewish food in Jeremiah chapter number five was number one, it says that each of the four footed animals which have been made lawful for you, it's mentioned for now chapter 15, verse number five, that you can eat the meat of the cattle. It's mentioned for a moment on chapter 23, verse number 21, that in the cattle, we give you a drink, which is good for the human kind, and of the meat you can eat. So when Almighty God gives you permission to eat the meat of the lawful animals, then why should we not have now coming to the logical reason why Islam permits you to have non rich food if we analyze non rich food is rich in protein, the human body it requires 23 amino acids, out of which eight are not made in the human body, it should be given back to on a diet which are known as essential amino acid. Now these all eight essential amino acids are present in no kind of vegetable food together.
It's only present in flesh food. So the non wage flesh food is more nutritious as compared to vegetables. Furthermore, if you analyze, if you see the set of teeth of the herbivorous animals, the cow, the goat, the sheep, they have got flat set of teeth. They only have vegetables, they don't have flesh food. If we analyze the set of teeth of the carnivorous animals, the tiger, the leopard, the lion, they have what pointed set of teeth, they have canines that have teeth don't have flesh. They don't have vegetables. If you analyze the set of teeth of the human being difficult in the mirror, and see, we're human beings, we have got flat teeth, as well as pointy teeth. If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetables, why did he give us this canine teeth? Why did he give us this pointed forward, but natural to have non rich food to have the flesh food. Furthermore, if we analyze the die system of the human being, if you compare itto the herbivorous animals, cow goat sheep, they can only digest vegetables. The digestive system of the carnivorous animals, Tiger, leopard, Lion, they can only digest flesh food, they cannot digest vegetable, the digest system of the human beings can digest both. It has more understand big understand it can digest vegetables, I feel a flesh food, it can digest both. So if Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetables, why did he give us a die system we can digest both? Afar if you analyze many of the Hindu think that Hinduism prohibits the eating of flesh food.
In fact, if you read it's mentioned Manu Smithy chapter number five was number 30. Almighty God has created some animals to eat and some to be eaten. If you eat the animals that have been created to be eaten, then it's not a sin. mirnas myth Egypt number five verse number 31 says that Almighty God created some animals for sacrifice. killing them is not a sin. Manusmriti chapter five verse 40, says that killing sacrificial animals for sacrifice is permitted. It is a law of the God. So in Hindu scriptures, it's permitted to have non waste food. If you read the Vedas and the other scriptures, sages and sons, Vietnamese food David beef, if you read Mahabharata and Russia and Burma, chapter number 88 men, the pandas together Yudhishthira, who the eldest brother of the Panda, he asked Bheeshma that what food should we give in Ghana, in puja in sacrifice, so that our ancestors will be satisfied to Bheeshma replies If you give herb than shrub than vegetables, our ancestors will be satisfied for one month.
If you give them fish for two months, if you give them meat for three months, if you give them hair for four months, if you give them good for five months, if you give them bacon for six months, if you give them birds for seven months, if you give them deer for eight months, and the menu continues big menus, it says if we give buffalo for 11 months, if you give the flesh of cow of our ancestors will be satisfied for one full year. And if you give red meat of God, or meat of rhinoceros, they'll be satisfied and exhaustively. So According to Hindu scriptures, eating non veggie is not a sin. It is because many of the Hindus were being influenced by the philosophy of not killing any living creature, they started accepting it. But even the philosophy of it, as you said, that killing living creatures the sin, Brother, do you know that even plants have what life? Do you know that brother? So if you think killing living creatures, and killing a plant is also a sin? So why do you have plans? I agree, agree very good. Furthermore, there are some people who say, oh, Gil, give me the document. I agree that plants have good life, but the plants can't feel pain. Therefore killing a plant is a lesser thing as compared to killing animals.
The point to be noted is that today sciences that demands and we have come to know, even the plants can feel pain. But the cry of the plant cannot be heard by the human be because human beings hear the frequency that the year is from 20 cycles per second to 20,000 cycles per second. Anything below and above this range you cannot hear. So there was a farmer in America, who converted the cost of the plant into the human frequency. And you could come to know when the plants were crying when they wanted water. There's another person who came and argued with me and told me whether I agree with you that plants have got life, plants can feel pain, but the plants have got about two senses less as compared to the animals. Therefore killing a plant is a lesser thing as compared to killing animal. I'm asking the question rather suppose your brother, your elder brother, he is born deaf and dumb, after he grows up, and someone come then kills him. So when you go and tell the judge me, Lord, give the murderer less punishment, because my brother had two senses less, he could not hear you could not speak. Will you say that? In fact, you will say give the murderer a double punishment. He could not you could not speak my brother was masu he was innocent. So in Islam, it does not work like that. Two senses are three senses. The Quran says in Surah Baqarah chapter number two verse number 168, eight of the good thing they have provided to you as long as the food is it fair for you, you can have it.
And furthermore, I personally have got no problem. If the non Muslim don't have known which I've got no problem. Only if they tell me eating non veggie the thin it's a crime. That is the damage if the reply otherwise, if the non Muslims in India, they don't have non marriage, it's beneficial for me. If all the non Muslims in India start having non wage, then the prices of mutton and beef will rise. It'd be more expensive for me to have it. The person I've got no problem. Hope that satisfies your question. Yeah, definitely. So now, if you want, you can really be a good vegetarian. If you want. You can eat non veggie also, eating non veggie will keep you more healthy. You can, but even if you want to be a pure vegetarian, it's not a sin of none. So the question whether.