My name is Coggan, Satie, ml. I'm a job seeker. In my religion, as as you know, that Guru Nanak is the founder of our religion. If you're Muslim, that's my question.
Because the question, our young brother who's a sick comes from India, he says that he's a sick and the founder of his religion, his guru, Nana, has asked me the question was Guru Nanak Muslim or not? Brother, Muslim is an Arabic word, which means a person who submits his will to Almighty God. Anyone who submits it will Almighty God, he's a Muslim. Now, since I did not meet Guru Nanak, personally, I cannot say definitely with a Muslim or not, but I have read the Guru Granth side.
That is the Sacred Scripture of the sixth. And sick ism is a religion which believes in 10 gurus. The first who the founders don't accept and the last is Guru Gobind site. But asking the question, do I consider Guru Nanak to be a Muslim? If I read the guru grants I have different The first was first volume, first was is known as the apogee of Guru granzyme. And the first volume first was called as japji.
It says that Almighty God is true. He is the Creator. He's free from fear and want. He felt existing. He's eternal. He's great, and he's compassionate. Now based on this, it is somewhat similar to the verse of the Quran of surah class, Chapter 112, verse number one to four wishes for Allah says Allah only. Who says that he's not forgotten. Say the lover and only Allah Subhan Allah, the absolute and eternal lemelin Bella mula, he begets not noise forgotten, while amico loco phenyl, there's nothing like him. Again, if you read in sick of him, Sikhism is a religion, which is a monotheistic religion.
And it costs Almighty God as a conqueror in unmanifest form and manifest form is called omkara. And there are various attributes given to Almighty God in the group and set and forget them. Almighty God is also called as eternal. He's called Qatar, the creator. He's called Assad Lord. He's called as pervert Dr. cherisher. He's called as Rahim, the Maleficent. He is called as Karim, the benevolent he's called as Waheguru, the one true God. Now, based on these readings of programs are based on these. I think that Guru Nanak was a Muslim. Muslim means a person who submits the will to Almighty God. But what the scholars say that this Sikhism is a religion that emerged in the latter part of the 15th century in the land of Punjab, in the land of the fire River. And the scholars say it's an amalgamation of Islam and Hinduism, that four scholars say that based on these verses, Guru, Nana believed in one God, he believed that what would be cotton, he had no images, he was all powerful.
I personally have not read about Guru Nanak where they believed in Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. I don't know personally, personally, I haven't met him. But based on these teachings, it seems to be that he is a Muslim seems to be whether you or not, I don't know. But unfortunately, as time passes, there is corruption in it. Like if you asked me, was Jesus case, a Muslim? Undoubtedly, Jesus cast me upon him was a Muslim Why? Quran says, poorly Bran chap number three was number 52 that a Salah Salaam was Muslim. But there's no verse in the Quran saying Guru Nanak will be a Muslim. So based on if I read the Bible, if I read verses of the Bible, what Jesus guy says it proves that he's a Muslim, but there are other interpolation in the Bible.
There are concoction in the Bible, which undoubtedly cannot be the Word of God. So I can only attribute this to Jesus guys peace be upon him. But if I check what is right, whether what the Bible says because Quran says I believe he Salif Salaam was a Muslim, Abraham millefolium was a Muslim today man chapter three verse 67. He was not a Jew or a Christian you as a Muslim. Because the Quran clarified I've got no doubt as far as Guru Nanak is concerned because what And not verify, but seeing the verses I consider you may be he was a Muslim but what you have to realize later on as I said there was corruption in the Bible. Even here what we find that people have started worshipping the Guru Granth. Guru Nana didn't have to worship the guru grandson. They even have if you go to the Sikh temple, other things, which are deviations. So based on these deviations, I cannot say that they're Muslims. But go back to your scripture. If you go back to Scripture and believe in Almighty God, who's not Bickerton, who's one who has got no images and worship in Milan, then you will go back to the original faith that is Islam hope. That's the question.